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Friday, May 14, 2010

Eco-Friendly classrooms and schools teaching green lifestyle - Group Phi’s Sustainable Military School for Girls In Pune Sets a Benchmark

Conservation and preservation of natural resources and the environment is a lesson that not only adults but kids too need to learn fast. In order to answer the rising concerns about sustainability of architecture, designers have unveiled several green residential and commercial complexes and have now escalated efforts to design eco-friendly classrooms and schools that can help teach students some green lessons in a green environment. Here is a list of 10 such schools and classrooms where students can be groomed in a sustainable way:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Shanghai Corporate Pavilion for Expo 2010: A perfect blend of Architeture and Technology

The Shanghai Corporate Pavilion clearly shows its prowess is blending architecture with the modern and sustainable technologies. The building is covered in an LED array that can be changed on a whim, but - the lighting scheme is determined by people interacting inside the building. The pavilion uses recycled materials and LED lights, and features a solar thermal tube screen on the roof, which can collect solar energy to produce hot water up to more than 200° F.
For more details and pictures , check it out at